
Good news! The finish line is in sight! Only a couple of stories left for revision. I’ve put a lot of time and effort into the rewrites, and I’m extremely happy with the result. In a couple of weeks I’ll be able to share these nightmares with you. Don’t forget to check back soon for the next update.
Did you ever wonder what makes me tick? Ever wonder what sort of books I like to read? Ever wonder why I write?
The Best Books for Casual (or non) readers
It’s been a while since my last update here, but I haven’t been idle. For those of you who don’t follow my Facebook page, I have been slowly adding to my collection of short stories for my next book. The collection is complete and for the last couple of months I have been in the editing and rewriting phase. I have decided on a title for my book and the cover art is complete.
At the moment I am halfway through the final edit and am expecting to have the final version sent for proof-reading in the next six to eight weeks. In the coming weeks I’ll be able to share more details about the book and provide a couple of sneak-previews.
Remember to check back soon, I guarantee you’ll love the stories (but not the nightmares they’ll give you).
Things are serious folks. The enemy is formless, odorless, and invisible; but we are not helpless. The situation is not hopeless. This is a fight we can win. If we continue to remain in our homes as directed, continue practicing social distancing, and making sure you wash your hands regularly.
Take care of yourselves. Remember to eat properly, get plenty of sleep, and exercise regularly. Social isolation is not an excuse to avoid exercise. Social isolation is not an excuse to let your brain turn to mush; read, research, and engage in intelligent conversation.
Regularly call your friends and family to make sure they are OK. A friendly voice on the phone can make a huge difference to someone's psychological well-being. Don't overlook the importance of specifically asking if they are OK. It may encourage them to ask for help if they need it.
As long as we support each other, and show compassion to each other, we will get through this. COVID-19 will not last forever.
I finally pushed through my writer's block and come up with an ending for the short story I've been writing. My book of short stories is finally back on track. I'm a very happy camper.
Hi everyone. I have a new project in the works with Burn House Books to help my books gain a foothold in the International market. I hope you’ll help make this project a success by sharing these updates on your social media pages.
Check out the link to Burn House Books here: https://burnhousepublishing.com
It’s been a while since my last post, but I’ve kept busy. Unfortunately I haven’t had much time for writing this year (for which I apologise), but the renovations are finally finished. I’m going to take care of a few other things, then ease myself back into writing.
A couple of weeks ago I finally returned to my paintbrushes after a 15 year absence, and finally painted a few wargaming miniatures (yeah yeah, I know; big surprise I like geeky things – and an even bigger surprise, the first thing I paint is some zombies). To give you an idea of the challenge involved, these miniatures are only an inch tall. I had to retrain my hand/eye coordination, and learn to be patient (with the paint, and myself). The opportunity to just focus on such tiny canvases helps me forget about things for a while.
I hope you are all well, and I look forward to returning to my manuscript in the next couple of weeks. I’m really happy with what I’ve written so far, and look forward to sharing it with you soon.
I'm very excited to announce that my first book Sleep With One Eye Open has been selected to appear on the Ezvid Wiki page "Books With Inventive Takes on the Zombie Genre". Only 11 books were selected for this honour, and mine was the only Australian inclusion.
Established in 2011, Ezvid Wiki has grown from a small user-generated forum into the largest and most comprehensive video wiki on the planet, providing useful, unbiased information and actionable guidance to hundreds of millions of people around the world, in thousands of knowledge categories. It is now among the top 3000 websites in the United States. Their YouTube channel has over 425 000 subscribers and more than 250 million views since founding.
As an Indie author, this is a fantastic opportunity to share my work with a wider audience. Please click on the link below to read the article and watch the video that my book is now featured in:
Fear not; book four in the series is still a work in progress. Working full time, home renovations, and adulting take up most of my time, but I still manage to write a little each day.
Watch this space for future updates.
Good evening everyone,
Just a quick update on the renovations. So far there haven’t been any major catastrophes, and all is going well. There has been plenty of hard work, a few good laughs, and a few interesting visitors along the way.
Our local water dragon has also taken an interest in our activities (I nearly didn’t see him watching me from the garden while I was pouring paint).
We’ve still got a lot of work ahead of us, but we’re still in good spirits.
(Photo: Beau Johnston)
I just checked into a lovely B&B for the weekend. The bathroom is a little sketchy though. The last time I saw décor like this was on one of those “unsolved murder” shows on TV.
Just kidding. In addition to working full time and having to fulfil the endless cycle of daily chores, I’m also renovating my house (..... in all my spare time..... ha-ha-ha-ha).
I won’t bore you with the details, but it has drastically reduced the amount of time I have for writing.
But fear not..... reduced doesn’t mean “none at all”. I’m currently writing my fourth book, and I’m pleased with my progress. I’ve finished five short stories, and still have many more tales to tell.
There is still a lot of work to do around the house, but I will do my best to keep you up to date with my progress on book four.
I regret to announce that I must take a break from writing my monthly blog. I have had to make several changes in my life which will give me more time to devote to writing books. I want to thank everyone for the support and encouragement they have given me over the last four years.
Please be sure to check this page regularly for updates about my books and other projects.
After two long years of hard work, I am proud to present my third book Sleep One Eye Open: Shadow. My original plan was finish and publish the manuscript in 2016; but sometimes, life has its own agenda. When that happens, you just have to go with the flow. So, thank you to you, my readers, for your patience.
Sleep With One Eye Open: Shadow is a dark and disturbing glimpse into the Zombie Apocalypse. There will be cheers, and tears, and probably a few emails asking me why I..... actually, that would be telling. I’ll let you find out for yourselves.
Sleep With One Eye Open - Synopsis
Life has never been fair, but the Zombie Apocalypse ensures the odds are always tipped in the Grim Reaper’s favour. John fought alone, fought hard and won against a cunning and vicious enemy. Life was supposed to reward him for his courage and tenacity. Unfortunately, reports of his skirmishes have come to the attention of a new enemy.
The home he fought so hard to defend is no longer safe. Hordes of zombies are pouring in from the south and well-armed enemies lurk in the shadows.
Join John and his family in this latest chapter of their struggle to survive a nightmarish world of never-ending fear, hunger and death.
Tonight, 'Sleep With One Eye Open: Shadow' is available on Kindle, Kobo, and iBooks. Tomorrow, it shall also be available in paperback.
I estimate I am only eight weeks away from publishing my third book in the Sleep With One Eye Open series. So today I am sharing a sneak peek of the cover for Sleep With One Eye Open: Shadow.
I apologise for taking so long to get to this point, but very soon you will be taking a dark and disturbing trip into the Zombie Apocalypse.
(Photo: Beau Johnston)
(Graphic Artist: Lisa Johnston)
If you blinked you missed it! The price drop is over, but you can still pick up your new favourite zombie book for a few dollars. Go on, read a book this weekend, and lose yourself in the story.
PRICE DROP! 'Sleep With One Eye Open' and 'Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost' are now available on Kindle, Kobo and iBooks for $4.00 each. Yes, you read that right; $4.00 each. For the spare change in your pocket you can download and read your new favorite horror story. What are you waiting for?
I’d like to thank everyone who has purchased or read my books this year. Fear not, your journey is not over; book number three is progressing nicely, so I look forward to giving you dark and disturbing nightmares in the new year. I’d also like to thank everyone who reads my blog. I hope I’ve given you information that has kept you safe, and entertained.
May peace, happiness and goodwill be with you and your family this Christmas. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Good evening everyone. Due to a huge increase in my workload, I have finally had to accept that there are only 24 hours in each day. It is with great reluctance that I must reduce the frequency of my blog from once a week to once a month.
Until further notice, blog night will now be on the 2nd Thursday of every month. I thank everyone for their loyalty, and understanding of my decision.
Good afternoon one and all. I just received an email to let me know this month's edition of Sinister Reads is up for all to enjoy. I'm proud to say my second novel Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost is featured in this issue.
Sinister Reads is a project managed by the Australian Horror Writers Association (AHWA) used to promote the work of its members.
Great news, my new book Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost is now available at even more retailers. Head to our Buy Now! page to purchase your copy now!
Good evening everyone. I promised you big news and here it is. Today, my second novel Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost was published. It is currently available on Kindle, iBooks, and kobo.
We are currently waiting for the proof copy to arrive from the printer. Once we have that, physical copies will soon be available.
I'd like to thank everyone for their support, encouragement and feedback over the last couple of years.
I am extremely happy to announce that I have finished the fifth and final edit of Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost. The manuscript is now in the hands of my editor for final review before going to print.
Here it is everyone, a sneak preview of the cover of Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost. I'm happy to say that I'm in the final stages of editing now.
Excellent news; I just finished the 3rd (and hopefully final) edit of Sleep With One Eye Open: Ghost. Final read begins. If all goes well, I'm hoping the eBook version will be out in the next 14 days, and the paperback shouldn't be too far behind (depending on how long it takes to get a proof copy in the post).
Make sure you never miss another blog or news article again by subscribing to my webpage. Each feed had its own subscription. You know the drill; fill in the box on the right (and the one on the blog page too); then you can take it easy, knowing you'll always be up to date with what I've been doing. Be the first to know of price changes, release dates and future events.
Congratulations readers! Chapter two is now up for you to further whet your appetites for this great novel. Just click the "Sample Chapters" tab.
This weekend we went scouting for suitable locations for photos for the front cover of the sequel to Sleep With One Eye Open. Despite a lack of cooperation from mother nature (very hot day with annoying intermittent rain!) and passing motorists we got some great shots.
Wow! Sleep With One Eye Open is now available at Barnes and Noble, a very old and well known bookstore. Use the link below to get your paperback copy. Also available from Tower Books, a book retailer in the UK.
More good news for everyone! Two more retailers are selling paperback versions of my novel Sleep With One Eye Open. Book Depository is well known by everyone, mostly because of their large range and free postage. Kinokuniya Sydney offers the largest range of books with over 300,000 titles in English, Japanese, Chinese, French and German.
Good news for my Australian readers! I just found a couple of Australian retail outlets that are selling the paperback version of Sleep With One Eye Open.
Web Site Update!
Great news everyone. My web guru added a new feature to my blog allowing you to share my blog on your Google+ and Facebook pages with just the click of a button. At the bottom of each post you'll notice this new feature. Please use this plug-in to share information that is important to you, or may help your friends and family.
Good news everyone, Sleep With One Eye Open has been reduced in price; and is now available for:
$6.99 on Kindle, iBooks and Kobo
$9.99 for paperback (only available at Amazon.com)